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Carlye Wisel

"Losing my mind at a Japanese baseball game"

"Some choice closet stuff"

"if it makes you laugh, buy it immediately."

"it's better to have owned something and given it away than to have regretted not buying it at all."

"After just getting married"

"Some of my favourite things"

"Sniffin' pastries"

"I never want to buy anything that isn't colorful, shiny or patterned"


Carlye Wisel is a clever and successful woman who just so happens to have a flair for both fashion and comedy. A constant traveller and story teller of awkward moments, Carlye is also a blogger, writer, part time disaster (in her words), contributor to just about every fashion outlet online, and all around stylish lady. When she’s not sharing her misadventures in the modern world, she’s creating one of the best podcasts we’ve come across. Currently, Carlye masterminding the redesign of and gearing up to release new episodes of Why We Can’t Have Nice Things. Check her out, you won’t regret it.


How do you start your day off?

For the better part of a month, I’ve been attempting a routine: prepare tea, stretch a bit, make the bed, open the blinds, throw on makeup, put on pants, get to work. I usually get two, maybe three of those done, and then proceed to the clusterfuck of a lifestyle that is freelancing. I wish I could be the type of writer who actually gets dressed every day, but the fact that I’ve settled into a muumuu-and-slip-dress routine means I’m done fooling myself by thinking waistbands will ever make a resurgence.

What’s going on in the background when you get ready? TV, music, etc.

Podcasts, podcasts, and more podcasts. It’s like meeting a friend for coffee without having to wipe off yesterday’s mascara! I’m seriously loving A Few Things With Claire and Erica at the moment, but I listen to a wide variety of ’em, and even have my own. It’s called Why We Can’t Have Nice Things, and focuses on laid-back conversations with cool ladies in fashion, entertainment and comedy. It’s been such a blast, and some of the guests we’ve had on have become my closest friends!

You never leave home without…

Crumpled Kleenex, something to write with and the haunting suspicion that I left my straightener plugged in.

What are your closet essentials?

Beautiful shoes

What is your biggest fashion regret?

Not taking on an extra college job in order to purchase my dream Marc Jacobs bag. There are not enough emojis with x’s for eyes to explain my level of grief over watching this pass me by.

You always splurge on and you always save on…

Splurge on shoes, save on accessories. For some reason, people are always mistaking my weird toy purses for high-end designer bags, so saving up for something as soulless as a plain black handbag just ain’t worth my time. I was raised by a mother who preached that

What is one piece of clothing you wish you could steal from your 16 year old self?

Apparently I have been lazy forever, because when I was a teen, I blew all my birthday money on a pair of AG sweatpants jeans. Yep, long before the jeggings boom there were jeans that literally felt like jammies yet still looked like cool faded blues, not leggings. I grew out of them, like, immediately (they were super low rise, after all) but can still recall that dreamy texture the instant I think about ’em.

Your fashion motto is…

If it makes you laugh, buy it immediately.

Your #1 Style Tip is…

It’s better to have owned something and given it away than to have regretted not buying it at all.

1 OLYMPIA LE-TAN Lady and the Tramp Embroidered Felt Clutch
5 BLANKNYC 'Rail Thin' Short Overalls
6 Smythson Panama Consistently Inconsistent textured-leather notebook
8 SOPHIA WEBSTER 'Evangeline' sandals

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