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Going Sugar Free

Going Sugar Free

Written by Natasha Lawrence

I would never categorize myself as a “sweet tooth”, but as we are just at the start of 2017, I thought it would be interesting for me to go sugar-free over the span of 5 days. New Year, New You, and all that.

While most detox plans recommend a sugar detox of 8 days to a month, a weekend of parties only gave me 5 days in which I could be true to my plan.

I should inform you that this detox wasn’t a complete “sugar free” detox. Meaning, I mainly cut added sugar – soda’s, jams, syrups etc. I was not cutting sugars found naturally in food like fruits and honey. Cutting sugar cold turkey is quite tricky, as most foods we consume have some sugar in them. This sort of detox should also be done in stages. I believe in “everything in moderation”, so eliminating added sugars was the best option for my lifestyle.

Monday – Day One

7:30AM – Coffee without sugar first thing on a Monday morning is brutal. That is all I have to say on the matter.

2:15PM – I normally have a can of Coke in the afternoon. I know, super unhealthy. As I’m going without sugar this week, a can of Coke with approximately 39 grams of sugar, is definitely on the taboo list. I’m replacing it with a green tea. I’m also fighting off a sinus infection at the moment, so it doesn’t seem like such a bad idea.

9:00PM – Serious cravings have set in. I normally don’t consider myself to be a sweet tooth, but knowing that I can’t indulge has me scratching at the walls.

Tuesday – Day Two

7:30AM – Coffee without sugar is stupid.

5:00PM – Today has been a rush of meetings and prepping for a photoshoot. To be honest, this is the first time I’m thinking about sugar since my morning coffee. Speaking of…Cappuccino me, STAT!

9:00PM – Celebrating a cousin’s recent engagement, we open up a bottle of Veuve. I’m not sure if this is cheating, but I am so content at the moment. **I definitely know this is cheating. Alcohol has a ton of added sugar**

Wednesday – Day Three

7:30AM – I’ve realized a cappuccino without sugar is much more palatable than a regular coffee without sugar. I’m not sure why, but I’m just going with it.

6:30PM – It’s as if the Fates are against me. I open the cupboard to have a Beuno bar I bought last Friday hit me in the forehead. We stare at each other for what seems like eternity. For the sake of journalism and you Dear Readers, I begrudgingly put it back.

9:15PM – Dinner with my parents and sister. My family would like me to know that I seem irritable and cranky; a common side effect in the first few days of cutting back on sugar.

Thursday – Day Four

7:30AM – I’m really okay without the sugar in my cappuccino now. One thing I have failed to mention is that switching sugar in my yogurt (I know) with honey, has me feeling much better. I feel fuller and oddly, less weighed down. I have even begun to replace jam on toast with honey and I love it.

2:00PM – I still feel a bit of a sugar slump at the time of my usual soda. Doing research online, I come to understand that this will probably continue for the next two weeks or so. Instead of reaching for a soda, I have an afternoon snack of green tea and pineapple.

Friday – Day Five – I MADE IT!

8:00AM – As a Friday treat, I head to Starbucks for my morning cappuccino sans sugar. A banana chocolate chip muffin would go so well with it, but instead, I opt for a protein box.

9:00PM – Feeling exhausted and cranky at the end of the day. A common side effect of reducing sugar intake, and one that will only dissipate after a week or so more of cutting back.

In Conclusion…

My diet is poor at best, so even 5 days of going (added) sugar-free has been a struggle. While my challenge is over, I feel like I will keep some of the changes I’ve started to make in my diet. Afternoon soda is not only bad for my teeth and aging my skin faster, it is also keeping that extra 10lbs of body fat from going anywhere. I feel totally satisfied with green tea and fruit. And, since I’ve started to not miss the sugar in my coffee, I feel there is no nee to start back up again. I’e also become much more conscious about replacing my added sugar cravings with more natural ingredients. Fruits and almonds instead of chocolates, honey instead of jam, etc. The 5 days haven’t led me to see a drastic change in my skin or sleep patters, but I’m sure keeping these little changes will benefit my overall health.




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