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Seeing Red

Seeing Red

Written by The Strategy


That is the number of lip products I own that are red. I’ve only worn one, a liquid lipstick, out of the house. I regretted it instantly and ran to the nearest restroom to wipe it off with a tissue. I’ve tried on all the others and come to same conclusion each and every time I almost step out of the house wearing it: “Maybe tomorrow.” 

I’m not sure exactly when it started, but somewhere in the long history of makeup, red lipstick became synonymous with powerful women. Doing quick research will tell you that there were certain times when lipstick, and makeup in general, became undesirable because of associations with certain scandalous careers. In the 1950s, Hollywood stars began to bring red lipstick back from the makeup grave to the full life it now lives, and here I am today- twelve unworn red lipsticks later. 

Why is it so challenging to commit to wearing a red lip? 

For starters, the obvious feat of worrying that it will get on my clothes somehow, coupled with having to remember to reapply. 

Also, the intimidation factor of it being so noticeable. Wearing red lipstick is like wearing a pair of angel wing Sophia Webster shoes but on your face. They’re beautiful, however they rack in a lot of attention and not everybody can pull that off. 

Which brings me to next point: Is there really a red lipstick for everyone? Call me a cynic, but I find it hard to believe that red lip colours work in the ways of soul mates and destiny. Being on the constant hunt for my “perfect red” is what compels me to continue building my stock of lipsticks. I figure if I own one in every shade possible there has to be at least one I feel comfortable in. Right?

With every glossy page turned, every image scrolled past, and every woman I see around town that looks beautiful and effortless in a red lip further pushes me to take the leap. It seems as though these women were born with red lips permanently painted on, as if that is just simply the way they look. No reapplying, no rogue stains, no uneven edges, and all in the perfect colour. They have the red lips and the confidence to match. How they do it, I may be brave enough to find out one day. 

Well, maybe tomorrow.

Written by Katrina Garofalo

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