Written by The Strategy
When the days start out with a warm walk to your car, followed by hours spent in an over AC’d office, and finish with a cool evening drink, you begin to get super sick of your cardigan that you carry around for the drastic changes in whether.
Let me re-introduce you to your scarf collection. Whether it be a round up that you’ve stolen borrowed from your mom, or that you’ve accumulated over the years, I’m sure you have at least 1 or 2 lying around. To freshen up the ways to throw it on, I’ve broken down my favourite ways to tie a scarf into three steps each.
The Cowboy
1. Start by folding your square silk scarf in half.
2. Drape the triangle around your neck, with the large point facing your belly button and knot it behind your neck.
3. Pull the loose ends forward from behind your back, and let them hang beside the large point.
The Side Knot
1. Again, fold your square scarf in half
2. Bring the triangle around your neck, with the large point facing in front, a little off to the side. Keep the loose ends over your shoulder, near your collar bone.
3. Knot the loose ends just above your collar bone, and let the large point fall off to side.
The Ladylike Knot
1. Once again, fold your square scarf in half.
2. Drape the scarf around your neck, this time with the large point facing your back, and the loose ends in the front.
3. Knot the two ends together at the front. A double knot can add some extra interest. *I also like to wear this look with a tougher scarf (i.e. An Alexander McQueen skull scarf) to tone down the ladylike aspect.
Three steps and voilà!